World's Most Dangerous Places: Coldest Road, Trip Antarctica, Wittenoom | Free Documentary

21 Sep 2021

The Most Dangerous Places on Earth: Coldest Road, Trip Antarctica, Australia's Ghost Town: Wittenoom | Free Documentary

Most Dangerous Places on Earth are...:
00:00 The world's coldest Road
If you want true adventure, you've come to the right place. We are going to take you to the coldest road in the world. Where? You guessed it - Siberia.

11:01 Trip Antarctica
We visited the largest German research station in Antarctica: Neumayer Station III. Among other things, data is being collected for a possible flight to Mars.
Researchers are planting vegetables in Antarctica. They hope to gain insight into how cultivation on other planets, such as Mars, can work. The team travels directly to Antarctica to learn everything about cultivation on other planets.

34:15 Australia's Ghost Town: The contaminated city Wittenoom
Our reporter Raphael travels to Wittenoom and explores this Australian ghost town. Asbestos contamination made it uninhabitable, forever losing its place on the maps of our world.


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