SAVAJ - THE HUNT | Hindi Thriller Short Film | Mega Short Films
Mega Short Films presents, SAVAJ - THE HUNT | Thriller Short Film | Hindi Short Film - by Dhiraj Kamble
SAVAJ – THE HUNT SYNOPSIS One Salesman comes in to a Building to sell his porduct. He rings one flat doorbell. One man comes and open door half and asked him “what”. Salesman wants to sell his any product, so he conviencing to that man. But man not impressed. Now Salsman tells him that,’ he is Policy Agent also and he have one policy which will give Karores rupees to him after his wife death.’ Man now impressed and takes him inside the house. Man askes him for coffy And He goes to kitchen to make coffy. Inbetween the Salesman when observing the house he looks a deadbody and fears and wanted to run from that place. But at that time Man Comes and gives him coffy. Police comes and arrest to Salesman.
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Production - Cast & Crew:
Director : Dhiraj Kamble
Producer : Dhiraj Kamble
Story by : Dhiraj Kamble
Screen Writer / Screen Play : Dhiraj Kamble
Camera / DOP / Cinematography : Abhishek Patil and Harsh Phatak
Editor : Dhiraj Kamble
Music / Sound Design : Raju Naik
Cast (In Order of Appearance) : Sameer Matondkar - Salesman, Pankaj Bhiwaji - House Owner
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