10.30 Let's Go To School - A Hindi Short Inspiring Story Of A Young Girl | Father & Daughte

30 Aug 2021

Disha is an ordinary village girl with dreams like any other kid. Not only does she love her father unconditionally, but also her books and school. Life takes an unexpected turn when her Baba and Bua decide to discontinue their education. Her fate is about to meet that of thousands of other children who drop out of school every year. However, it is not so easy to give up. She is intelligent, confident and above all, determined to get back what she rightfully deserves, her right to dream!

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Cast & Crew:
Director: Ashish Naidu
Producer: Ashish Naidu

Nakshtra Father (Supporting): Amit Shrivastava
Disha'S Friend (Supporting): Anamika Naidu
Dadi (Supporting): Asha Halve
Disha Father (Lead): Hemant Deolekar
Supporting: Kundan Roy
Elder Disha: Lavanya Tripathi
Young Disha: Messrah Saffan
Disha'S Friend: Nakshatra Naidu
Disha'S Bua: Ranjana Tiwari
Supporting: Hradhya Mohan

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