भारत के कर्नाटक में है सबसे बडा रसोई घर | Dharmsthala Annpurna Mega Kitchen
भारत के कर्नाटक में है सबसे बडा रसोई घर | Dharmsthala Annpurna Mega Kitchen
Dharmasthala from time and on has been known for its chaturdanas. Namely Annadana, Aushadha dana, Abhayadana and Vidyadana. Chaturdanas are also considered the most prominent duties of the Heggade.
Annadana, of all has always been considered as the most revered service to humanity, as it caters to the basic existence of life.
The annapoorna hall has been constructed with utmost care and thought into it, so as to ease the process of procuring food for an average of 50000 to 70000 pilgrims a day and more than 100000 of them on a special day like Lakshdeepotsava. The kitchen complex has been constructed in a bottom up design architecture to facilitate ingredient procurement and waste disposal most efficiently. The kitchen is self sufficient in every way, all the required ingredients namely vegetables, spices, milk, milk products, grains and cereals are cultivated and produced in house by the farmers facilitated by SKDRDP.
The kitchen opens as early as 4am every morning, the daily load of ingredients is received at the sorting hub of the kitchen complex. The workers start sorting all the ingredients based on the quality and quantity required with a statistical estimation of the crowd for the day.
After the sorting process, the vegetables taken to the chopping area where they are cut manually extremely efficiently. The cut vegetables and grains are then head to the sterilization area, where they are cleaned with hot gushing water. The whole process is monitored by experienced supervisors through to the end.
The cooking process starts around 8am in the morning and is wound by 11.30 ,the pilgrims start heading to the food area around 12.15pm and the stage is set for a an amazing three course meal for everybody’s satisfaction.
The best of the whole process is the waste disposal system, any waste that is collected from the kitchen is then transported to the Dharmasthala waste management plant, and dumped into the composts to generated manure. The same manure is then used in cultivation of vegetables for the kitchen, so ideally in this process there is absolutely no waste generated, or is close to 1 to 2%.
Annapoorna kitchen was recently featured in Mega Kitchens, the most renowned documentary show of the international channel, National Geographic. The documentary clearly explains the role that Annapoorna plays in the temple town of Dharmasthala.
Annapoorna kitchen, is one place where the poor and the rich are fed alike, that is the power of spirituality that we all bow to.
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