कितना मुश्किल है तिहाड जेल में रेहना आपको यकीन नहीं होगा , ऐसा क्या इस जेल में खतरनाक

1 المشاهدات
21 Sep 2021

कितना मुश्किल है तिहाड जेल में रेहना आपको यकीन नहीं होगा , ऐसा क्या इस जेल में खतरनाक

Tihar Prisons, also called Tihar Jail and Tihar Ashram, is a prison complex in India and the largest complex of prisons in South Asia. Run by Department of Delhi Prisons, Government of Delhi, the prison contains nine central prisons, and is one of the two prison complexes in Delhi, along with a district prison at Rohini Prison Complex. It is located in Tihar village, approximately 3 km from Janakpuri, to the west of New Delhi, India. The surrounding area is called Hari Nagar.

The prison is styled as a correctional institution. Its main objective is to convert its inmates into ordinary members of society by providing them with useful skills, education, and respect for the law. It aims to improve the inmates' self-esteem and strengthen their desire to improve. To engage, rehabilitate, and reform its inmates, Tihar uses music therapy, which involves music training sessions and concerts.The prison has its own radio station, run by inmates.There is also a prison industry within the walls, manned wholly by inmates, which bears the brand Tihar. As of December 2019, Tihar jail has 17,534 inmates against the sanctioned capacity of 10,026. The prison population as on 31.12.2019 has increased by 11.79% in comparison to the population as on 31.12.2018

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